Welcome to Lonops Gay Paradies Pattaya

It‘s not a simple vacation, it's our dream and we make it yours. Nop & Lothar

You deserve it: A vacation in Pattaya, Thailand

Relax with friends, whether single or a couple.  We don’t even care whether you have come out of the closet or not.  Our goal is to make you  feel better than you do at home!  Besides the sensational weather and centuries-old sights and spectacles of nature, you will find one of the most active gay scenes in South East Asia: Pattaya.

Here, every day is a party with lots of gay clubs, bars, discos und cabarets.  Experience the lively, bold, and wild scene or discover the romantic, sensuous, seductive side of the city:

  • The world-renowned Gay-Live in Pattaya
  • Free shuttle service directly to heart of the party
  • A secure, private, and intimate hotel with nudist pool

Memories are waiting to be made during your Thailand vacation in Pattaya:

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Nop: “Over the last thirty years, Pattaya transformed itself from a sleepy fishing village to the Thai version of Cannes or Nice."

Free yourself from your everyday burdens during your vacation in Pattaya, Thailand.  This is where you can be who you want to be.  Regardless of how strange or different Thailand looks at a first glance, you will be staying with friends at Lonops Paradise.  Lothar and Nop have almost two decades of experience with the gay scene.  They will help you find what you are looking for.

Take a look at our photo galleries and get a picture of what we are talking about or  read our guest book to see what guests are saying about our small, intimate resort.  You can also check us out just by coming over!  We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry.  Click on this link to contact us now: Contact form 


Recently in the guestbook:

  1. Peter Berghoff

    Lieber Lothar und Nop, es waren wieder tolle 3 Wochen, die ich mit euch und eurem tollen Service sehr genossen habe. Eure Anlage ist wirklich ein Paradies, geeignet zum Entspannen…

  2. Torsten & Gerd

    Ein rundum gelungener Urlaub dank der beiden Gastgeber, die sich wunderbar um uns gekümmert haben. Toller Service, wunderschöne gepflegte kleine ruhige Anlage, familiäre Atmosphäre und immer ein offenes Ohr für…

  3. Klaus

    Hallo lieber Lothar und lieber Nop! Bin gut gelandet in der Heimat. Es waren sehr schöne Tage bei euch! Mir hat vor allem die familiäre Atmosphäre gut gefallen. Ihr bemüht…

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