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Sanctuary of True

The Sanctuary of Truth is a gigantic wooden construction which covers the area of more than two rais. The top point of the building is about 105 meters high. It was constructed to withstand the wind and sunshine on the seashore at Rachvate Cape, Tumbon Naklea, Amphur Banglamung, Chon Buri Province.

The building was constructed according to ancient Thai ingenuity and every square inch of the building is covered with wooden carve sculpture. The purposes of decoration with wooden carve sculptures are to use art and culture as the reflection of Ancient Vision of Earth, Ancient Knowledge, and Eastern Philosophy. With in this complex, visitors will understand Ancient Life, Human Responsibility, Basic Thought, Cycle of living, Life Relationship with Universe and Common Goal of Life toward Utopia.

From the Cold War era until today, the world has been under the influence of western civilization , accentuated by materialism and devotion to advanced technology. Many natural areas have been degraded , and men have drifted away from their old values in such a way that morality and spiritual contentment have become irrelevant to many people. Their attempts to control nature have transformed many people into egotistical individuals who are out to destroy one another through incessant wars and economic plundering. Most are after only happiness in this life, and believing that there is no life after this. 

This sanctuary of truth was conceived out of the vision that human civilization has been achieved and nurtured by religious and philosophical has been achieved and nurtured by religious and philosophical truth. This sanctuary was created not from hubris but from goodness drawn from religion , philosophy and art.

Man cannot be born and exist without seven creators. The Sanctuary of Truth presents seven creators through carved wood sculptures which adorn its interior. They are: Heaven , Earth , Father , Mother , Moon , Sun and Stars. 
On top of the four spires of the sanctuary, the four elements that will lead to the ideal world according to eastern philosophy are presented 
A wood sculpture of a celestial body (Deva) holding a lot us flower , representing the establishment of religion , the pillar of the world 
A wood sculpture of a celestial body holding a child and leading and elderly person , which represents life bestowed upon human beings 
A wood sculpture of a clestial body holding a book representing “ The continuation of immortal philosophy ” 
A wood sculpture of a celestial body with a pigeon perching on his hand , symbolizing peace.

Recently in the guestbook:

  1. Peter Berghoff

    Lieber Lothar und Nop, es waren wieder tolle 3 Wochen, die ich mit euch und eurem tollen Service sehr genossen habe. Eure Anlage ist wirklich ein Paradies, geeignet zum Entspannen…

  2. Torsten & Gerd

    Ein rundum gelungener Urlaub dank der beiden Gastgeber, die sich wunderbar um uns gekümmert haben. Toller Service, wunderschöne gepflegte kleine ruhige Anlage, familiäre Atmosphäre und immer ein offenes Ohr für…

  3. Klaus

    Hallo lieber Lothar und lieber Nop! Bin gut gelandet in der Heimat. Es waren sehr schöne Tage bei euch! Mir hat vor allem die familiäre Atmosphäre gut gefallen. Ihr bemüht…

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